Thursday, October 4, 2012



Rosamund Lupton

If you are not a fan of “Ghost” or books with a supernatural bent, stop here.

“Afterwards” is a story about love, loss and finding the truth.

Grace Covey is a stay-at-home mom, busy with her teenage daughter, Jenny, who is trying to get into university in the UK, and a younger son. Jenny is working at the school she attended and her brother is currently attending. It’s sports day, and almost everyone is outside.

Then the school catches fire. Grace knows her son is safe, but goes into the building to find Jenny. What happens after that is a combination police procedural and love story, with two of the characters disembodied spirits.

Not everyone’s cup of tea.

But. The author could have let the story become overwrought, but (mostly) does not. Her restraint is admirable. Finding the arsonist, who for some reason wants to make sure Jenny dies, is a process of layering back levels in the family and the school. Is it the oh-too-handsome teacher with a fondness for teen girls? A member of the school’s board who is in financial trouble?

The plots drives on. Three of five stars.

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